Senses Yard晚間修復精華油(Overnight Recovery Oil)



可令肌膚再生和活化乾燥暗啞皮膚,舒緩和潤膚皮膚,增強皮膚的修復能力,滋潤和撫平皮膚。 主要成份: - 甜杏仁油 - 葵花籽油 - 鱷梨油 - 月見草油 - 玫瑰果籽油 - 薰衣草精油 - 苦橙葉精油 - 迷迭香精油 - 天竺葵精油 - 荷荷巴油 - 洋甘菊精油 適合膚質及針對功效: - 任何膚質 - 成熟、脆弱及敏感肌膚 - 修護肌膚,強化皮膚屏障 - 滋養保濕 - 加強肌膚修復力 使用方法: 將精華素輕輕塗抹在潔淨的皮膚上,然後用指尖輕輕按摩直 至完全吸收,促使精華滲入最深層。 容量:50ml This nourishing facial oil contains natural retinol from Rosehip and antioxidants from Avocado oil to regenerate and revitalise dry skin. Fatty acids from Evening Primrose Oil provide skin-soothing and emollient benefits. Jojoba oil has been shown to enhance skin restorative properties which coupled with Sweet Almond Oil rich source of skin-replenishing fatty acids moistures and smooths skin. Powerful aromas from Lavender and Rosemary are balanced with gentle Chamomile Oil to relax you during your night time skincare regime. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Wipe face lightly with a warm moist towel. Gently dab serum onto cleansed skin and blend in until fully absorbed. Gently tap skin with the finger tips to encourage oil to penetrate to the deepest layers. RECOMMENDED FOR ALL SKIN TYPES

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