Senses Yard Neroli Floral Water(橙花純露)




植物名稱: Citrus aurantium 提取部份:花卉 產地:法國 提取方法:蒸汽蒸餾 主要功效: - 滋潤肌膚 - 令肌膚再生 - 舒緩乾燥肌膚 - 有收斂作用 - 減少炎症 - 去除面部雜質 - 收緊毛孔 - 舒減粉刺,均勻膚色 - 使油性和乾性皮膚正常化 - 給予深度放鬆和感覺 - 減少色素沉著的出現 - 滋養肌膚 - 提神醒腦 - 幫助睡眠 - 淨化空氣 - 舒緩頭痛 - 緩解經前綜合症 Botanical name: Citrus aurantium Source: Flowers Origin: France Processing Method: Steam Distillation Benefits Of Neroli Floral Water: - Hydrates skin - Provides regenerating effects - Soothes dry skin - Acts as astringent - Reduces inflammation - Removes facial impurities - Tightens pores - Cures acne & evens out skin tone - Normalizes oily & dry skin - Gives deep relaxation & sensation - Reduces appearance of pigmentation - Nourishes skin - Refreshes mind - Ensures sound sleep - Purifies the air - Reduces headaches - Relieves PMS
