Senses Yard CE-O面部精華(CE-O facial serum)




天然面部精華液含有馬魯拉油和杏仁油的混合物,有助於減少皺紋的出現,使肌膚更年輕、更容光煥發。 馬魯拉油含有天然來源的維生素 C 和 E 以及一系列必需氨基酸,可活化和更新皮膚細胞。 油的組合使皮膚保持水分更長時間,使皮膚煥發健康光彩。 主要成份: - 杏仁油 - 馬魯拉油 - 維生素E - 乳香精油 - 玫瑰大馬士革精油 - 玫瑰天竺葵精油 適合膚質及針對功效: - 針對成熟及任何膚質 - 激活皮膚細胞,修護肌膚 - 深層滋養保濕,亮麗肌膚 - 對抗及減淡皺紋 - 緊緻及提升肌膚 使用方法: 將精華素輕輕塗抹在潔淨的皮膚上,然後用指尖輕輕按摩直至完全吸收,促使精華滲入最深層。 容量:50ml This natural facial serum contains a blend of marula and apricot oils that help reduce the appearance of wrinkles resulting in younger, more radiant skin. Marula oil contains natural sources of vitamins C and E as well as a range of essential amino acids that revitalise and renew skin cells. The combination of oils keep the skin hydrated for longer giving the skin a healthy radiant glow. Main ingredients: - Apricot kernel oil - Marula oil - Vitamin E - Frankincense essential oil - Rose damask essential oil - Rose geranium essential oil DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Wipe face lightly with a warm moist towel. Gently dab serum onto cleansed skin and blend in until fully absorbed. Gently tap skin with the finger tips to encourage oil to penetrate to the deepest layers.

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