Senses Yard亮麗素顏面部精華油(No Makeup Facial Oil)



為肌膚提供豐富維生素和抗氧化成分。深層保濕, 富含氨基酸, 可增強皮膚的天然屏障並保護免受環境損害 主要成份: - 葡萄籽油 - 葵花籽油 - 荷荷巴油 - 甜橙精油 - 紅桑籽油 - 奇異果籽油 - 西瓜籽油 - 葡萄柚精油 - 薄荷精油 適用肌膚及針對功效: - 任何膚質 - 肌底乾燥至出油的肌膚 - 淨化及溶解毛孔油脂 - 平衡油脂及收細毛孔 - 清爽潔淨 使用方法: 將精華素輕輕塗抹在潔淨的皮膚上,然後用指尖輕輕按摩直至完全吸收,促使精華滲入最深層。 容量:50ml This quick-absorbing and luxurious facial oil is rich in omega fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants. simply massage into skin for an instant hit of hydration. A nourishing a cocktail of grapeseed, jojoba, raspberry, kiwi and watermelon oils ensures deep hydration, while a careful blend of orange, grapefruit and peppermint provides an invigorating scent. Rich in amino acids and antioxidants, the combination of watermelon and raspberry seed oils strengthens skin natural barrier and protects against environmental damage DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Wipe face lightly with a warm moist towel. Gently dab serum onto cleansed skin and blend in until fully absorbed. Gently tap skin with the finger tips to encourage oil to penetrate to the deepest layers. RECOMMENDED FOR ALL SKIN TYPES
